Building Temperatures
Too Hot or Too Cold?
Contact Facilities Services at 785-864-4770 or to check or correct temperatures in your work area.
A programmable thermostat at home can save energy by providing the ability to set one temperature while you are away and another more comfortable temperature when you are home. The building energy schedules on campus work similarly. There are “occupied” and “unoccupied” temperature set-points that eliminate energy waste when no one is using the space.
The occupied temperature set-points are 69F in the winter and 76F in the summer. During unoccupied hours, temperatures are set to 55F in the winter and 85F in the summer.
If your workspace is too hot or too cold, don't try to fix the problem yourself. Do not open a window or use a space heater. Please do not do that at work. Instead, contact Facilities Services at 785-864-4770 or The use of space heaters or windows may cause incorrect readings of space temperatures by the thermostat and interfere with thermostat set-points or proper heating, cooling and ventilation. This not only uses more energy and money, but is also harder on the mechanical equipment.
NOTE: KU policy does not allow personal space heaters in campus buildings because of the significant fire hazard. Information on exemptions is on the Energy Policy and Standards page.
HVAC Schedules
Academic and administrative building temperatures are carefully scheduled for occupied and unoccupied times to achieve the highest levels of comfort and energy efficiency. The occupied temperature set-points are 69F in the winter and 76F in the summer. During unoccupied hours, temperatures are set to 55F in the winter and 85F in the summer.
Academic and administrative buildings are scheduled occupied 6am-6pm Monday through Friday, and unoccupied in the evenings, overnight, and on weekends and holidays.
To request adjustments to the schedules for special events, submit a service request to Facilities Services through Maximo, or contact Facilities Services at 785-864-4770 or Requests should be placed a minimum of three business days prior to the event. Review of requests are done on a case-by-case basis, evaluated against ASHRAE standards and, if approved, are onetime exemptions unless otherwise specified.
Additional information is on the Energy Policy and Standards page.
Holiday Settings
Academic and administrative buildings are scheduled unoccupied during university-recognized holidays. A list of university holidays is available on the KU Human Resource Management website.
If a special event is scheduled in a space typically closed during holidays, consider hosting the event in an alternate building that will have standard heat or air conditioning during the holiday. Scheduling the event in an occupied building will save energy by using the heating or air conditioning already provided in the occupied building.
If a special event must be held in a building that is typically not occupied during holidays, submit a request through Maximo or contact Facilities Services at 785-864-4770 or Requests should be placed a minimum of three business days prior to the event. Review of requests are done on a case-by-case basis, evaluated against ASHRAE standards and, if approved, are onetime exemptions unless otherwise specified.